3 min read

Ghost: How to make private notes in your posts (at the end or anywhere) for future edits.

Using code block: you can place notes anywhere in your post and when you publish the post your readers won't see these personal editorial notes.

What you have been searching for?

  • Is it possibe to add invisible foot notes at the end of blog posts via Ghost? So that I can use this feature to create reminders to link future blog posts that I haven't written yet?
  • Throughout the blog post I want to make sections that only I (the author) can see, like notes on what to add to the post.

My make shift prior solution I was using before I discovery this better versatile way of Code Block: I just make a section at the end of a post for paid-members only, and then put my notes there.

Code block solution

Code block is more flexible, you can place it anywhere in your post and when you publish the post your readers won't see these personal editorial notes.

  • Then you can just add a follow-up tag to your post, so you know that you need to come back to the post to add the notes/ideas.


Use a block code: ``` + enter key
Then only write notes in the caption area then press return/enter key. ⭐️Leave the above area empty.
Error: the block code disappeared? Press ⌘Cmd + Z and the block code should come back.

The results: only you will be able to see the text via Ghost editor.

Visual examples:

  • Correct way: steps in Ghost editor
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Correct way example:

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How it will look in Ghost editor.
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How it will look on published your website blog/post:
  • Incorrect way: if you write in the "above" area of Code Block this is how it will look
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How it will look on Ghost editor.
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How it will look on published your website blog/post:

Fixing my prior make-shift solution

To make notes at the end of my blog posts using the paid-members only feature:

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I had the the post access set to => paid-members only. Since I was just getting started with my blog, I didn't need to worry about members joining the membership and reading the private notes. The blog was still free to access but I put my notes under the "only visible to members" divider.

2 changes I had to make after adding code block notes, before I published:

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So after discovering this block code trick and I made the changes but for it to work I had to change post access to => public.


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and remove this from the post in Ghost editior.

Error example:

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If I don't change it to public from paid-member only this error shows up (the post was not visible):

Final result

The visuals once I made the changes (from post access: paid-member only to public):

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How it will look on Ghost editor.
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How it will look on the published website blog/post. Notice that the "NOTESSS..." aren't visible on the published blog. 🎉

Ghost Forum - discussion on this topic with other solutions.


I hope this helps you! I know I'll be using it all the time from now on.

Let me know if this works for you guys. Contact me.