4 min read

Jump off of cliffs...

24/10/21~ (cliff of discomfort - analogy) I recently came concluding to an analogy, thinking about the similarities between all the fiction worlds authors write about and everyday aspects of real life. How each of the aspects in our lives are their own world. For example language, nature, mathmatics, stocks, typing, music, etc. Whenever we dive into a skill we’re diving into a new world, figmented into relatity by everything around us, plus time. Any skill, every little experience in your life created a reality that you sees, and how you precive the world. So its like each of us has a different world in our mind shaped by our experiences. Now I feel like I’m saying that we’re all unique. Our complex layers trying to find some comonalities with our surroundings. So… wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to be in a completely unfimilaer surrounding, like one of those animes where the main character gets sent to another world somehow (my favroite genere tbh), SOA sword art online for example. When I watch this genre I love how I can feel the exciting energy of the characters adventure in a new world. Initialy in reality we lack to see this, we just fear the unknow, not knowing that ‘jumping off the cliff of this new strange exprience’ could bring us joy, and growth as a person. Adding more layers to our soul instead of living in our comfortzones. Like imagine all the things you’d notice as you take a walk. Let’s say you just started learnign a new alphabet and now when you pass a korean resturant and see Hangul on it’s billboard, your mind trying to make connections will notice it. I advise you to leap off the cliffs that make you uncomfortable, the cliffs are a disguise they only lead you closer to your core, teaching you lessons alone the fall, you learn about yourself and use to it survive the sharpe edges in the cliff. Landing on a forgin soil, trying to get up like a fawn. You try to reconize yourself. You feel different. You are different. You are still alive. This is all that matters. So get up, grown into that skin, but don’t forget to peer over the next mysterious cliff, and enjoy the freefall.

I came up with the cliff analogy after I went bald, buzzing all my hair off, I had been thinking about it for a good 5 years but never had the balls to do it before. I was in somewhat of a dark place and needed change. I wanted short hair. While buzzing it, it got tangked because I didnt trim it short enough with sizzors first, so I got fed up, changed to the shortest setting and finished the job. It was libberating, I felt alive again, like i was woken, my overthinking ego panicking over a new setting, it was rambeling, speachless, trying to come up with a story to fit my prior personality. It left me alert, and feeling closer to my soul. The interactions and looks of people left me more liberated. ‘Like why am I obsessed with what people think of me? At the end of the day it’s only me in my bed. Why am I carrying arround these perceptions of what people are thinking with me. When… really, do I know what they are really thinking? Like I’ll never know so why have I been dwelling on it as long as I can remember?’ Looking back the two main lessons I learned about myself from jumping off the cliff of buzzing all my hair off are: I am a person that needs constant change in my life to keep me on my toes, the change keeping me aware. To not give my mind the time to try and make a norm. Theoretically I won’t have the time to get depressed… Second that I am a overthinker, which is causing me more harm then benefits. So my personal mission is to leap off cliffs to help me change my way of thinking. Looking back the perfect book found me a few months after, to help me in this jouney, called A New Earth. It’s been almost a year sice I bought it and I have a few chapters left. Not the point, but while reading the book I noticed my self change in the way that I think. Now leading me to conclude that seeking knowledge and discomfort whenever we con, will make the way we see our individual worlds much more interesting, the more layers we add the more we’ll notice/see. As we look(see) harder(further) we may see more opportunities before us. I went deep haha, I just love this analogy it makes me laugh, telling myself and potentially you guys to jump of cliffs! Please tell me where your mind drifted to as you read this? What “cliff” are you going to jump off of? Imagine the maze you can create as you fall and fall towards the center of your being. How close will you get? Which layers will you rip/dive into? Are you going to reach a bottom? I just want to feel more alive. I hope I can hold your hand till the ledge before I plunge off into an oblivion of wonder. (I hope we can hold eachothers hand till the ledge before the plunge into an oblivion of wonder.)

add to worlds- The feeling when you look at artists and wonder if you exist in the same world as them, even after you see all their socials or hear their music.

  • Older Sasha Salon song found around this time, the words hit home, because I had never thought in this way before -about mummy and papa.
  • Also I may have channeled my Sky children of the light game character. Cause I was dressing up as bald for months n then I actually did it in the summer irl  <link ashy skies someday when you’re ballsie enough>
  • buzzing/going blad
  • My mind/brain n ego had to reevaluate all the labels it had put on myself and that in it self was mind blowing because I could feel myself being too much in my head trying to grapple a hold of labels to call myself in my mind that would fit a public eye.?

Resources: Yes Theory has a similar mantra "seeking discomfort"