
New ideas/plans are like newborn babies, they need to be protected for them to grow and show their colours. To be prodded and adjusted. Then finally the newborn will be shared with trusted people to learn from these people and further evolve with new information.

Very important it is a person that gives honest but encouraging feedback, for you don’t want your “newborn” to die before it has even taken any steps in life.

I kept making the same mistake of sharing my newborns with a person who only gave me the negatives of my newborn taking steps. It was so that I could get some support, some approval, some love for this fragile thought/newborn. But at the end of those conversations of negativity, my newborns were snuffed out before they could take another step, along with them a bit of my heart, and my dreaming mind forever left with the feeling of letting that path/newborn slip away.

I guess finding the people/environment to nurture your ideas/newborns in are hard to come by. —but I feel that after these lessons of heartbreak, you get a better idea of who to trust.

It is fun at times to gamble and share the idea with strangers. From a stranger's perspective is refreshing & their criticism seems less harsh than when criticism is coming from a loved one.

Please mon ami just keep taking a few steps in the direction of things you can’t get off your mind, and never stop.
