2 min read

Response Action

The source of my immense growth is my persistence to challenge my thought processes and the actions I take because of these thoughts.

I feel like it all started after I read The New Earth (I will never read another non-fiction because of this book), it changed my way of thinking, made me realize I had an ego when I thought I didn't, and that everyone has an ego. This book made me more present, made me focus on the present little daily actions, analyzing my thought process & why I was feeling whatever feeling it was. The universe further sent me an expansion to this information, when I had a lecture about limiting beliefs in my permaculture class. That day was amazing it made me analyze the "shy" label I had put on myself for decades; the day made me realize that I didn't want this shy label to be attached to my personality any longer. This made me see shyness as a problem I needed to solve. So every time I noticed myself taking an action because of some reason like "a shy person wouldn't do this and I am shy". I started to see what I was uncomfortable/afraid of more. These feelings are the signs that I should do these things. Say "yes" to these things and where the growth to who I want to become is at. This is basically what my jump off of cliffs... and the Yes Theory youtube channel are about.

So I want to explain to you my concept of the response action we all take. It's very simple. It is the action you take because of a thoaught you have perfect example for me is that "I can not sing in front of people because in the past I have lost my voice because of nerves performing in of new people, being vulnerable and wondering what they might be thinking about me". — This got deep but is a limiting belief of mine and it is linked to my shyness limiting belief that I am trying to eradicate. So the key is to notice the action you usually take after having this limiting belief thought and do the exact opposite. For example, one that I have been practicing recently is turning my music volume up while driving I initially turned it down because I was thinking "oh my, the person next to me is going to hear my music". Like, imagine the limiting beliefs that aren't on my/your radar, like we are just letting ourselves be controlled because of what we think someone else/society is thinking.

Key takeaway:

Realize your limiting beliefs/self-judgements > notice the action response you take to the limiting belief > do the exact opposite of the action response you were going to take or already took.

I have also been working on breaking my OCD and perfectionism with this mindset.

Read about the story of my biggest self-judgement, and how it was born. Here.

Journal exercise you can try to realize your limiting beliefs/self-judgements:
  1. Reflect on the limiting beliefs/self-judgements you hold yourself to, your habits, and what you think is a part of your personality.
  2. Choose which of these judgements are you ready to let go of, and seek some discomfort. Debunking which judgement will bring you closer to the person you want to become?
  3. What is your heart telling you? What are some positive affirmations that will serve you?

Previous posts:

April 19, 2022 — Self-judgements | Limiting Beliefs
